Sex Worker Solidarity
Mar 6, 2021
In March of 2021, we participated in the Safe Harbour Outreach Project's (SHOP) "Stories of Sex Worker Solidarity" in recognition of #InternationalSexWorkerRightsDay. Below is a video submission by our Volunteer Coordinator.
Another one of our members sent a mesage of solidarity too! SJC member Heather says that... "Sex workers are often members of other marginalized groups that don’t need any more barriers in front of them to get the services they need. When they are survivors of violence, they should have their complaints taken seriously, regardless of what they do for a living. They should be able to exist without fear of repercussions or victimization just for existing. And, above all else, sex work is valid work and should be treated as such. Self-determination exists in other work, and it should not be kept from sex workers because some people are uncomfortable with their chosen occupation." Thank you to SHOP for all your crucial work in the community, for championing the dignity and rights of sex workers, and for inviting us to be part of this iniative.