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We are so thankful for all of the volunteers and partners working on many fronts in the Revolution of Care. This page shows some of the teams that have formed within the SJC over the years.


Some of these groups are still active and meeting (AxA Book Club, Challenge Car Culture, Prison Pen Pals, 2SLGBTQ+ Mutual Aid Pod. Transformative Justice Working Group) and others are less active or dormant at this time (Coalition for a Green New Deal, Food Sovereignty, Zero Waste).


There may still be content updates on team pages that aren't currently meeting or active, if the SJC participates in something that fits into one of the sub-group themes. While sub-group activity and meetings ebb and flow, the work continues on many fronts, and you can learn more about the projects and initiatives the SJC is involved in on the Social Justice Spotlight section of the website. 


Challenge Car Culture

Challenging the idea that cars are the default way to get around. Advocating for accessibility, pedestrian safety/rights, public transit, and mobility justice.

Anti-Capitalist x Activist Book Club

Reading together for revolution! 

Prison Pen Pals

Connecting and building solidarity  through letter writing with incarcerated community members. 

Our Work: Programs
Climate Strike 2020

2SLGBTQ+ Mutual Aid Pod

Organizing mutual aid efforts within the 2SLGBTQ+ community 

Transformative Justice Working Group 

Thinking through how to address conflict and harm in transformative, restorative, non-punitive ways that recognize the value, dignity, and potential of everyone

Climate Action + Coaliton for a Green New Deal

Confronting climate crisis and working towards a sustainable and just future 


Food Sovereignty

Thinking critically and eating ethically 

Poverty Elimination

Working to improve the well-being of low/no income people in NL

Zero Waste

Working toward a world without waste 

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