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Running Down the Walls Fundraiser

Oct 15, 2023

Wow remember when we had leaves on the trees? So nice!!

These are some pictures from the Running Down The Wall event that we held in October 4, 2023.

We wanted to share the good news that we were able to raise $348 from this event for prisoner justice projects!

We sent $298 to the Anarchist Black Cross Federation (ABCF) Warchest Program that supports political prisoners and prisoners of war in the US. You can find more about their work here:

We also raised $50 for our own NL-Based Prison Pen Pal Project to provide stamps and letters to volunteers and incarcerated people. You can learn more about that work here:

Gratitude and solidarity to all that took part! Hopefully with your support we can make this an annual event! Let us know if you'd like to join the organizing team for next year's event :)


Running Down the Walls is an annual event held in cities across the US and Canada every year in September or October. It is a non-competitive 5k run/jog/walk/strut/roll that is used to raise awareness and funds for prisoners, especially political prisoners, across the continent. It involves people running simultaneously in many cities and in many prisons at once. Running together is actually a big component of Running Down the Walls. The solidarity shown across cities illustrates, through several small collective actions, that we have not forgotten those locked up inside. Runs inside of prisons happen to both help politicise other prisoners and to illustrate that our acts of solidarity outside have been heard.

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